Within the European Solidarity Corps Programme, CESIE, a non-profit organization that has been promoting mobility opportunities since 2001, is looking for a young person (18-30 years old) for volunteering activities in Palermo (Italy), starting very soon from the beginning of May, for the project MAPPING SOLIDARITY.
Short term volunteering activity:
Where: Palermo (Italy)
Duration: 59 days (from May)
N° of young people: 1
Profile: 18 -30 years old with fewer opportunities, or at their first experience, to be involved from the beginning of May to the end of June
Activities: support daily activities of local association providing primary services to people in need and homeless and participation in non-formal educational activities on different topics (such as ITC skills, citizenship, sport, arts, culture, young entrepreneurship, human rights etc) promoted by CESIE
ESC portal: https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/placement/29421_en
The candidates should have a basic level of English, strong motivation and interest to work in a team with the different target group; we'll give the priority to young people with fewer opportunities or at first experience.
All the expenses (food, accommodation, travel, insurance, language course, pocket money) are covered by the project.
For more information or to apply send CV and motivation letter to sve@cesie.org