The sad history of these amazing creatures, in whose honor the museum was built , exists to teach us how we should not behave with what nature has created. Explaining in detail the cruel killing of the aquatic world in order to earn money will not leave you indifferent when visiting the museum. It was really sad but also educating to hear something more about this craft in the past and to see up closer the pain created than.
Opened to the public in 1989 in the fishing village of Caniçal, the museum shows the history of whale hunting in the seas of Madeira.
The Whale Museum is located in Caniçal and bears witness to the entire history of whaling and the activities associated with it. It is one of the most innovative museums of its kind internationally. Opened in a new building in September 2011, is equipped with a valuable ethnographic/museum collection, which retrieves utensils and past experiences. The museum is an accurate witness to the history of whaling in Madeira throughout the 20th century.
This museum houses life-size models of whales and dolphins and 3D stereoscopic movies.
The institution also promotes scientific research projects on cetaceans and marine life in the seas of Madeira, as well as the collection, preservation and study of the heritage and documentation on the history of whaling in Madeira.
Opening hours:
Tuesday - Sunday: 1.30pm to 6pm Adress:Rua Garcia Moniz, nº1, 9200-031 Caniçal,
