One of the things that fascinated me was the art of ceramics, so I decided to research it and found an amazing ceramic artists near me in Funchal. "Lillie ceramics" is the place where you can find many ceramic pieces, and the girls were super friendly and happy to answer to my questions.

''Making ceramics is one of the best jobs to have in the world because it is very therapeutic, we think. The possibilities with clay are endless, there are so many different things that can be created with clay!! But it is also very difficult to learn all the techniques, so one of us went to ceramic school in Sweden for 3 years. We are always nervous when we put all the ceramics in the kiln because it is almost 1300 degrees celcius in there!! Since it is so hot anything can happen and that is why school is necessary. We only use the kiln one time each month because making ceramics takes one month (many steps).'' Sister Jenny Lillie and Lonny Lillie say.

The word "ceramics" comes from the Greek keramikos (κεραμικος), meaning "pottery", which in turn comes from keramos (κεραμος) meaning "potter's clay". Most traditional ceramic products were made from clay (or clay mixed with other materials), shaped and subjected to heat, and tableware and decorative ceramics are generally still made this way. In modern ceramic engineering usage, ceramics is the art and science of making objects from inorganic, non-metallic materials by the action of heat. It excludes glass and mosaic made from glass tesserae.

There is a long history of ceramic art in almost all developed cultures, and often ceramic objects are all the artistic evidence left from vanished cultures, like that of the Nok in Africa over 2,000 years ago. Cultures especially noted for ceramics include the Chinese, Cretan, Greek, Persian, Mayan, Japanese, and Korean cultures, as well as the modern Western cultures.
Elements of ceramic art, upon which different degrees of emphasis have been placed at different times, are the shape of the object, its decoration by painting, carving and other methods, and the glazing found on most ceramics.

Address: Rua Latino Coelho 39 Armazem do Mercado, Funchal, Madeira 9060-155 Portugal
Mon - Fri 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sat 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM
