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  • Do you have a volunteering programme? How can I become involved?
    Hi stranger! We do and would love for you to join our team! Usually we work with young professionals (age up to 35, but we are not so strict about it, unless a particular program specifically says so) who are inspired to learn and share their knowledge & skills. We have an on going volunteering program where you can exchange your skills and work for accomodation and such, but also a few partner programs from international organizations as well. Feel free to shoot us an e-mail or give us a call!
  • What future projects are there already in preparation?
    Please, take a look at our PROJECTS page. We do have quite a few things going on at all times and most of the time are looking for support and new talent to join us! Feel free to stay tuned by following our Facebook Page or Blog Posts.
  • Do you offer art residencies and, if so, how do I find out about them?"
    Yes we do! Our art residency programs can last anywhere from 3 weeks and up to 6 month (usually about a 3 month duration). Work with us. Share your art. We provide you with a space to work and excersise your creative flow and arrange an exhibition for you at the end of your stay. Artists have the opportunity to work at the gallery in a studio space using our resources for the promotion of their works. Moreover, a renowned art curator with a long record of art projects and exhibitions in London is there to help bring your art presentation skills to the next level. Finally, you will work in the heart of the Atlantic ocean, inspired by magnificent views and wonderful climate. We work with various types of visual artistic expression so try your chance!
  • Are you partnered with any other institutions in Madeira?
    ARTE.M's greates supporter has been Art Center Caravel in Funchal. We also are involved with Programa Erasmus+ Juventude em Ação & European Solidarity Corps.
  • Does ARTE.M commission works of art?
    As an organisation we do not finance the commissioning of works of art. But through our network of affiations and partners we may be able to put you, the working artist, in touch with commissioning agents or institutions offering patrimony.
  • I am retired but I would like to volunteer my services, how do I go about this? Is there an upper age limit?"
    Technically, no, there is no upper age limit. Unless we work with a particular program and organization that has it's own eligibility charachteristics. For our art residency we prefer to work with a crowd up to 35 to develop a youth networking platform for local Madeirans and international artists alike. However, if you feel the need and desire to create with us - rech out and see what we can do. E-mail is here as always ;)
  • Did we miss an important question?
    Send us your suggestion!




Thanks for sharing. Chat soon!

© 2019-2025

ARTE.M Cultural and Artistic Association on Madeira Island

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